If you love tea as much as we do, chances are you already have indulged in your fair share matcha lattes and still do on the reg. But, what milk is the best option for a matcha latte, especially if you have specific milk preferences or you're looking to venture out?
After all, one of the most critical ingredients in making a delicious matcha latte is the milk itself. (Okay, the matcha quality is important, too, but you know what we mean.)
And, while it's usually whole cow's milk that's used for a matcha latte, there are many reasons that this may not be your first choice. Whether it's because you have a dairy sensitivity, you're vegan, you're avoiding high calories, you want to be more sustainable, or you just prefer to stay away from certain types of milk, we get it! In fact, in recent years, cow's milk consumption has been going down in the United States. (Walk through any hipster neighborhood and you'll see for yourself.)
Okay, no hate to the hipsters — we all have a little hipster in us. But, the type of milk you choose can make a big difference when it comes to the taste and texture of your matcha latte. And, we — of course — would want you to have the best-tasting beverage you can have!
So, let's find out what the best milks are for your matcha latte, for the dairy and non-dairy drinkers alike:
Best Milks for Matcha Latte — Dairy Options:
1. Whole Milk for a Matcha Latte
If you order a matcha latte at a cafe, chances are it will be made with whole milk (unless you request otherwise — yes, we're talking to you person-in-line-at-Starbucks).
Whole milk is what a classic matcha latte is made with, because it has a creamy and rich texture that just works perfectly with matcha powder. A match made in matcha heaven, if you will. And, let's be real — some hot, frothy milk is what makes a matcha latte what it is! But, those with tummy troubles or other reasons for not drinking dairy may have found their perfect matcha match without whole cow's milk.
What We Like:
The go-to milk option for a classic matcha latte
High in calcium and vitamin D
What We Don’t Like:
Not always sustainable (though, you can do your research on this to find more environmentally-friendly cow's milk options)
Not ideal for people with dairy sensitivity, even those who aren't lactose intolerant
2. Skim Milk or 2% for a Matcha Latte
Skim milk or 2% milk has a lower fat content compared to whole milk, making it a nice back up option for people who don't mind cow's milk, but prefer something a bit lighter. It also may still be a better choice than low fat or fat free milk, because it still has some of that fat needed to give your matcha latte a creamy texture. Yet, because skim milk has a thinner consistency compared to whole milk overall, you're still not going to get the same exact texture with your matcha latte as you would with whole milk.
What We Like:
Lighter on the palate and the stomach
What We Don’t Like:
Won't make your matcha latte as thick, which can take away from the overall experience
What About Goat's Milk or Sheep's Milk?
While goat's milk and sheep's milk can certainly be used as alternatives to cow's milk in a matcha latte, there are several reasons we wouldn't recommend them. Compared to cow's milk, the distinct flavors of goat's milk and sheep's milk may not be to everyone's liking and could throw off the intended taste of the matcha latte overall.
These milks can also be harder to find and more expensive than cow's milk in general. Unless you have a personal preference or an allergy/sensitivity to cow's milk, you may want to avoid these options if you're looking to get the best-tasting matcha latte you can get — even if it's a non-dairy option.
Best Milks for Matcha Latte — Non-Dairy Options:
3. Oat Milk for a Matcha Latte
Oat milk has become insanely popular in recent years and pretty much the second-best option after cow's milk for a matcha latte for those that don't consume dairy. Oat milk is a top-choice not only because its sustainable, vegan, and getting easier to find at most coffee shops and grocery stores, but it also has a similar taste and texture to cow's milk.
What We Like:
A healthy and sustainable option that'll give you a very similar taste to the classic-cow's milk matcha latte
What We Don’t Like:
Not "match-a" at all!
4. Soy Milk for a Matcha Latte
Soy milk can work just fine as a non-dairy substitute for your matcha latte. Because it has a creamy texture and a mild flavor, the taste you'll get won't be too off from the classic. Generally, soy milk is an excellent source of protein, too, and is also seen as a nice sustainable option compared to others on this list. However, like dairy, sometimes soy can be a bit harsh on the digestive system, and may have some negative impacts on female health.
What We Like:
Creamy texture
What We Don’t Like:
Soy may not be the healthiest option for some people
5. Almond Milk for a Matcha Latte
Almond milk is a great non-dairy milk option that works as well with a latte as it would with a bowl of cereal. If you like it, you like it — if you don't, you don't. But, overall it works.
Almond milk is low in calories and is an excellent option for people who are lactose intolerant or vegan. (Though, there have been some questions regarding almond milk's sustainability.) But, because almond milk may not provide the same level of creaminess as regular milk, it may make your matcha latte taste a bit...off.
What We Like:
An easy, go-to option for non-dairy drinkers, that's easy to find in stores
What We Don’t Like:
There may be better options out there if you are willing to explore
6. Cashew Milk for a Matcha Latte
If you haven't really hard of cashew milk, no worries — we're in the same boat. Apparently, though, this milk is not just great for a matcha latte, but tasty on its own. Made from cashew nuts and water, it has becoming more and more popular among those seeking plant-based milk options due to its smooth texture, mild flavor, and versatility in cooking and...beverage-making!
What We Like:
Yummy and unique!
What We Don’t Like:
May be hard to find— we're still experimenting with this one!
7. Coconut Milk for a Matcha Latte
Coconut milk can be a great non-dairy milk option because of how tasty it is, but the taste may not be everyone's...cup of tea! But, some people may really like the coconut-flavor that it adds to the matcha.
What We Like:
A fun take on the matcha latte
What We Don’t Like:
Will change the overall taste of the drink
Can You Make a Matcha Latte with Water?
If milk — whether dairy or non-dairy — isn't quite your thing, you might be wondering whether or not you can make a matcha latte with water. The answer is yes.
While it may be a bit unconventional, it is possible to make a matcha latte using H2O, though whether this would still be considered a latte...up to you! Using water to make this drink allows the flavors of the matcha powder to shine through. But, it may come off a bit too strong or powdery, which can be a turn-off to some traditional matcha latte lovers.
In any case, it may not hurt to try it, whether it's just to experiment or because you want to just lay off any kind of milk for a while.
So, Which Milk is the Best for a Matcha Latte?
The best milk for a matcha latte depends on your personal taste and dietary needs. But, that's not why you came here, is it?
In our opinion, whole milk is the best for a matcha latte if you don't mind dairy because this is how a matcha latte is traditionally made. But, if you're not a dairy-drinker, we'd say oat milk comes up second.
Ultimately, the top choice for your matcha latte is the one that you enjoy the most! With that said, we encourage you to experiment with different milk options and see which one suits your taste buds!